Least Connections Algorithm

The Least Connections algorithm is one of the simplest load balancing algorithms to understand. It routes requests to the server with the fewest active connections.

How Least Connections Works

At its core, the Least Connections algorithm is straightforward:

  1. Connection Tracking: The load balancer keeps track of the number of active connections to each backend server.
  2. Request Arrival: When a new request arrives, the load balancer assesses the current connection count for each server.
  3. Least Connections Selection: The request is directed to the server with the fewest active connections at that moment.
  4. Dynamic Adjustment: The load balancer continuously updates connection counts as requests are processed and completed, ensuring real-time adjustments in traffic distribution.

Benefits of Least Connections

  • Dynamic Load Balancing: Unlike static algorithms like Round Robin, Least Connections adapts to the varying workloads of different servers. This makes it ideal for scenarios where requests have diverse processing times.
  • Efficiency: By prioritizing servers with fewer connections, it maximizes the utilization of available resources, preventing any single server from becoming a bottleneck.
  • Responsive: Least Connections can lead to faster response times for clients, as requests are typically sent to servers that are less busy and can process them more quickly.

Considerations and Limitations

  • Short-Lived Connections: Least Connections may not be the best choice for applications with very short-lived connections, as the overhead of connection tracking might outweigh the benefits.
  • Server Capacity: The algorithm assumes that all servers have similar processing capabilities. If servers have vastly different capacities, weighted least connections (WLC) might be a more suitable option.

Real-World Examples

  1. Web Applications with Varying Request Complexity: Imagine a web application where some requests involve simple database lookups while others require complex calculations. With Least Connections, the load balancer would intelligently distribute requests so that servers handling complex tasks aren’t overwhelmed with additional simple requests, ensuring optimal responsiveness for all users.
  2. API Gateways: API gateways often use the Least Connections algorithm to efficiently route API requests to backend services. This helps ensure that services with higher processing requirements are not overloaded, while services with lighter loads can handle more requests.
  3. Database Load Balancing: In database clusters, the Least Connections algorithm can be used to distribute queries across multiple database servers, ensuring that no single server becomes a bottleneck. This can significantly improve the performance and scalability of database-driven applications.


Least Connections is widely supported by various load balancers, both hardware and software-based. Popular load balancers like NGINX and HAProxy offer Least Connections as a standard configuration option.

A theoretical implementation is below:

from collections import defaultdict

class LeastConnectionsLoadBalancer:
    def __init__(self, servers):
        self.servers = servers
        self.connections = defaultdict(int)

    def get_server(self):
        server = min(self.servers, key=lambda s: self.connections[s])
        self.connections[server] += 1
        return server

    def release_server(self, server):
        self.connections[server] -= 1

# Example usage
servers = ['server1', 'server2', 'server3']
load_balancer = LeastConnectionsLoadBalancer(servers)

for _ in range(10):
    server = load_balancer.get_server()
    print(f"Request sent to {server}")
    # Simulate processing the request

System Design Interview Sample Questions

Question 1: What is the Least Connections algorithm and how does it work for load balancing?

Answer: The Least Connections algorithm is a dynamic load balancing strategy that routes incoming requests to the server with the fewest active connections. It maintains a count of active connections for each server and assigns new requests to the one with the least load. This ensures even distribution of workload and prevents overburdening any single server. It is particularly effective for applications where request processing times vary.

Question 2: What are the benefits of using the Least Connections algorithm over other load balancing methods like Round Robin?

Answer: Least Connections is more dynamic and adaptable compared to Round Robin. While Round Robin simply distributes requests sequentially, Least Connections takes into account the current load on each server. This means it can better handle situations where some requests take longer to process, preventing servers from being overwhelmed and leading to faster overall response times.

Question 3: In what scenarios would you recommend using the Least Connections algorithm?

Answer: Least Connections is ideal for applications where:

  • Request processing times vary significantly.
  • Maintaining high responsiveness is critical.
  • Servers have similar processing capabilities.

It is commonly used for web applications, database servers, and API gateways.

Question 4: What are some potential limitations or drawbacks of the Least Connections algorithm?

Answer: While Least Connections is generally efficient, it has a few limitations:

  • Overhead: Maintaining and updating connection counts adds a small overhead.
  • Short-lived connections: It may not be as effective for applications with extremely short-lived connections where the overhead of tracking outweighs the benefits.
  • Non-uniform servers: If servers have vastly different capacities, Weighted Least Connections (WLC) might be a more suitable alternative.

Hypothetical Real-World Interview Examples

Example 1: Load Balancing for an E-commerce Platform

  • Interviewer: “Design a load balancing system for an e-commerce platform with varying product page complexities and checkout processes.”
  • Candidate: “Given that product page requests and checkout processes have different processing times, I’d recommend using the Least Connections algorithm. This would ensure that servers handling more complex checkout processes aren’t overburdened with simple product page requests, leading to a smoother user experience for all customers.”

Example 2: Load Balancing for a Real-Time Bidding System

  • Interviewer: “You are tasked with designing a load balancing system for a real-time bidding platform where response time is critical. Which algorithm would you choose and why?”
  • Candidate: “In a real-time bidding system, minimizing latency is paramount. The Least Connections algorithm would be a good fit here as it prioritizes servers with the fewest active connections, ensuring that requests are routed to servers that are most likely to respond quickly. Additionally, I’d consider using Weighted Least Connections if the servers have different capacities to further optimize performance.”