Load Balancing Algorithm Crash Course for System Design

Load balancing algorithms, or traffic distribution algorithms, are the brains behind the efficient distribution of network or application traffic across multiple servers or resources. They directing requests to the most suitable server based on predefined criteria.

Core Load Balancing Algorithms

Round Robin: Distributes requests sequentially across servers in a cyclical fashion, ensuring each server gets an equal share of the workload.

  • Strengths: Simple, easy to implement, fair distribution, no server starvation.
  • Weaknesses: Doesn’t consider server load or capacity, not suitable for requests with varying processing times.
  • Example: A web server cluster with three servers (A, B, C) would receive requests in the order A, B, C, A, B, C, and so on. Each server handles the same number of requests regardless of their processing power or current load.

Sticky Round Robin: Assigns clients to a specific server on their first request, and subsequent requests from the same client are directed to that same server. This maintains session persistence.

  • Strengths: Ensures session persistence, improves performance by keeping session data on one server.
  • Weaknesses: Can lead to uneven load distribution if session lengths vary significantly, requires a mechanism to handle server failures gracefully (e.g., by reassigning the client to a different server).
  • Example: In an online shopping website, sticky round robin ensures a user’s shopping cart data remains on the same server throughout their session.

Weighted Round Robin: Similar to round robin, but assigns weights to servers based on their capacity or processing power. Servers with higher weights receive a larger share of the requests.

  • Strengths: Fairer distribution for servers with different capacities, relatively easy to implement.
  • Weaknesses: Doesn’t consider real-time server load, can still lead to uneven distribution if weights are not adjusted dynamically.
  • Example: A cluster with servers A (weight 3), B (weight 2), and C (weight 1) would receive requests in the pattern A, A, A, B, B, C, A, A, A, B, B, C, and so on.

Least Connections: Directs requests to the server with the fewest active connections.

  • Strengths: Dynamic load balancing, efficient for applications with varying request processing times.
  • Weaknesses: May not be suitable for applications with very short request processing times, can lead to underutilization of servers with high processing power.
  • Example: In a web application with complex queries and simple requests, this algorithm ensures that servers handling complex queries aren’t overloaded with additional simple requests.

IP Hash: Uses the client’s IP address to determine which server should handle the request.

  • Strengths: Ensures session persistence, useful for applications that maintain client state.
  • Weaknesses: Not suitable for stateless applications, can lead to uneven distribution if clients have non-uniform traffic patterns.
  • Example: In an online banking application, IP hash ensures that a user’s session remains on the same server, maintaining security and data integrity.

Random: Randomly selects a server for each request.

  • Strengths: Simple, unpredictable for attackers.
  • Weaknesses: Can lead to uneven distribution of load, not suitable for applications with strict performance or reliability requirements.
  • Example: Used in simple web applications with low traffic or for testing environments where precise distribution is not critical.

    Advanced Load Balancing Algorithms

    1. Least Response Time: This algorithm selects the server with the lowest average response time and the fewest active connections. It’s a good choice for applications where responsiveness is critical.
    2. Weighted Least Connections: This algorithm combines the least connections and weighted round robin approaches. It takes into account both the number of active connections and the server’s weight to make routing decisions.
    3. URL Hash: This algorithm uses the URL of the request to determine which server should handle it. It’s useful for scenarios where specific URLs need to be consistently directed to the same server, such as for caching or content management.

    Comparing Load Balancing Algorithms

    AlgorithmDescriptionStrengthsWeaknessesUse CasesExample
    Round RobinDistributes requests sequentially across servers in a cyclical fashion.Simple, easy to implement, fair distribution, no starvation.Doesn’t consider server load or capacity, not suitable for requests with varying processing times.Simple web applications, DNS load balancing, basic load distribution scenarios.Distributing incoming web requests evenly across a pool of identical web servers.
    Weighted Round RobinSimilar to round robin, but assigns weights to servers based on capacity.Fairer distribution for servers with different capacities, easy to implement.Doesn’t consider real-time server load, can still lead to uneven distribution if weights are not adjusted dynamically.Web applications with servers of varying capacities, databases with different replication factors.A web server cluster with one high-performance server (weight 3) and two standard servers (weight 1 each).
    Least ConnectionsDirects requests to the server with the fewest active connections.Dynamic load balancing, efficient for applications with varying request processing times.May not be suitable for applications with very short request processing times, can lead to underutilization of servers with high processing power.Web applications, databases, proxy servers.Distributing database queries to the database server with the fewest active connections.
    IP HashDirects requests from the same client IP to the same server.Ensures session persistence, useful for applications that maintain client state.Not suitable for stateless applications, can lead to uneven distribution if clients have non-uniform traffic patterns.Applications requiring session persistence (e.g., online banking, shopping carts).Ensuring that a user’s online banking session remains on the same server throughout their interaction.
    RandomRandomly selects a server for each request.Simple, unpredictable for attackers.Can lead to uneven distribution of load, not suitable for applications with strict performance or reliability requirements.Simple web applications with low traffic or for testing purposes.Randomly assigning users to one of several chat servers in a customer support system.
    Least Response TimeSelects the server with the lowest average response time and the fewest active connections.Minimizes response time for clients, efficient for latency-sensitive applications.Requires additional monitoring overhead to track server response times, may not be suitable for applications with highly variable response times.Real-time applications, interactive websites, APIs.Distributing requests to a REST API endpoint to the server with the fastest response time.
    Weighted Least ConnectionsCombines the least connections and weighted round robin approaches.Considers both server load and capacity, flexible for various scenarios.More complex to implement than simpler algorithms, requires careful tuning of weights.Web applications, databases, high-traffic websites.Distributing traffic to a cluster of web servers with different capacities, giving more weight to higher-capacity servers.
    URL HashUses the URL of the request to determine which server should handle it.Consistent hashing for specific URLs, useful for caching and content management.Requires a good hashing algorithm to ensure even distribution, may not be suitable for applications with highly dynamic URLs.Content management systems, caching servers, websites with static content.Directing requests for images on a website to a specific server based on the image URL.
    Sticky Round RobinAssigns clients to a specific server on their first request, and subsequent requests from the same client are directed to that same server.Ensures session persistence, improves performance by keeping session data on one server.Can lead to uneven load distribution if session lengths vary significantly, requires a mechanism to handle server failures gracefully.Applications requiring session persistence (e.g., online banking, shopping carts).In an online store, using sticky round robin to ensure that a user’s shopping cart data remains on the same server during their session.

    System Design Interview Questions and Answers

    1. Question: How would you handle session persistence in a load balancing setup?
      • Answer: Session persistence, also known as sticky sessions, is essential for applications that need to maintain user-specific data across multiple requests. There are a few ways to achieve this:
        • IP Hash: Map each client’s IP address to a specific server, ensuring all requests from that client go to the same server.Cookie-based Persistence: Store a cookie on the client-side that identifies the server the user is connected to. The load balancer reads this cookie and directs subsequent requests to the same server.Session ID Persistence: Include a session ID in each request, and the load balancer uses this ID to route requests to the appropriate server.
        The choice of method depends on factors like application requirements, ease of implementation, and desired level of persistence (e.g., sticky sessions for the entire session or just for a few requests).
    2. Question: What are the challenges of load balancing in a microservices architecture?
      • Answer: Microservices architectures introduce additional complexities in load balancing due to the increased number of services and dynamic nature of service instances. Some key challenges include:
        • Service Discovery: Load balancers need to be aware of the constantly changing locations of service instances. This is often solved using service registries like Consul or Eureka.
        • Inter-Service Communication: Load balancing should be applied not only to external traffic but also to requests between microservices.
        • Complexity: Managing load balancing for a large number of microservices can become complex. Service meshes like Istio or Linkerd can help simplify this task.
    3. Question: How would you design a load balancing system for a globally distributed application?
      • Answer: For a globally distributed application, we need a Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) approach. This involves:
        • DNS-based Load Balancing: Using DNS records to direct users to the nearest data center based on their geographic location.
        • Anycast Routing: Announcing the same IP address from multiple locations, allowing traffic to be routed to the closest available server.
        • Geo-distributed Load Balancers: Deploying load balancers in different regions to further optimize traffic distribution within each region.
    4. Question: What are some metrics you would monitor to assess the performance of a load balancing system?
      • Answer: Key metrics to monitor include:
        • Throughput: Requests per second or transactions per second.
        • Response Time: Time taken to process each request.
        • Error Rate: Percentage of failed or erroneous requests.
        • Server Load: CPU, memory, and disk utilization on each backend server.
        • Connection Pool: Number of active connections to each server.

    Hypothetical Real-World Interview Examples

    Example 1: Load Balancing for a Real-Time Bidding System

    • Interviewer: “Design a load balancing solution for a real-time bidding (RTB) system where advertisers need to respond to ad requests within milliseconds.”
    • Candidate: “Given the strict latency requirements, I’d prioritize the least response time algorithm. Additionally, I’d implement health checks with a very short timeout interval to quickly detect and remove unresponsive servers. To ensure redundancy and scalability, I’d use a multi-layer load balancing approach with a Layer 4 load balancer for global traffic distribution and Layer 7 load balancers within each region for fine-grained routing.”

    Example 2: Load Balancing for a Social Media Platform with Live Video Streaming

    • Interviewer: “How would you design a load balancing system for a social media platform that supports live video streaming to millions of users?”
    • Candidate: “I’d use a combination of GSLB and Layer 7 load balancing. GSLB would direct users to the nearest edge server based on their location, while Layer 7 load balancers would handle traffic within each region. For live video streaming, I’d prioritize low latency and use a weighted round robin algorithm to distribute traffic based on the server’s available bandwidth and processing power. I’d also implement caching for static content to reduce the load on the backend servers.”